Wifi on the MQ70 - OLD STYLE

MQ70 OLD STYLE Compact Console Inbuilt WIFI Setup

The MagicQ MQ70 Compact console comes with inbuilt WIFI support which can be used for remote control of MagicQ.

To Enable the Wireless Adapter on the MQ70 Console go to:

Setup > View Settings > Network

Wireless Mode - This sets the wireless card to enabled/disabled. For MQ70 Consoles set to "Access point (MQ70)"

Wireless IP Address - Allows the IP address range for the wireless network to be set. Default configuration is: 169,254,1,X

Wireless subnet address - Wireless Subnet address allows the Subnet address for the Wireless card to be configured. Default configuation is 255,0,0,0.

Wireless channel - Allows the Wireless card to be forced to a wireless channel, if suffereing from interference from another wireless network this can be changed.

Wireless SSID - Wireless network name.

Wireless encryption - Sets if the wireless network is password protected. Default is: WPA(MQ70)

Wireless Key - Sets the wireless network password. This is used when logging onto he wireless network from other devices. Default is "magicqmq70".

Wireless DHCP Server - When set to "yes" this allows a device tojoin without having a pre-configured IP address. Default configuration is "yes".

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