MagicQ Shortcuts
Link to the section in the manual:
New show | SETUP <View Settings> <New Show> |
Save show | SETUP <View Settings> <Save Show> |
Load show | SETUP <View Settings> <Load Show> |
Save settings | SETUP <View Settings> <Save Setting> |
Load settings | SETUP <View Settings> <Import Settings> |
Save partial show | SETUP <View Settings> <SHIFT + Export Show> |
Merge in show | SETUP <View Settings> <SHIFT + Import Show> |
Load archived backup | SETUP <View Settings> <SHIFT + Load Backup> |
Export patch list | PATCH <View Chans> <Export Patch> |
Import patch list | PATCH <View Chans> <Import Head> |
Import ASCII file | PATCH <View Chans> <Import USITT> |
Reset console | SETUP, <SHIFT + QUIT> |
Patch 1 head at uni 1 address 1 = 1@1-1 <Patch It>
Patch 5 heads at uni 2 address 1 = 5@2-1 <Patch It>
Patch 5 heads at uni 2 address 1, head 100 = 5@2-1*100 <Patch It>
Patch 5 heads with offset 20 = 5/20 <Patch It>
Patch after uni 3 address 505@+3-50 <Patch It>
Reselect head Cursor to head <SHIFT + Choose Head>
Edit patched head Cursor to head <SHIFT + Edit Head>
Repatch selected heads without changing offset = 3-1 / ENTER
Patch 5 heads at uni 2 address 1 = 5@2-1 <Patch It>
Patch 5 heads at uni 2 address 1, head 100 = 5@2-1*100 <Patch It>
Patch 5 heads with offset 20 = 5/20 <Patch It>
Patch after uni 3 address 505@+3-50 <Patch It>
Reselect head Cursor to head <SHIFT + Choose Head>
Edit patched head Cursor to head <SHIFT + Edit Head>
Repatch selected heads without changing offset = 3-1 / ENTER
Table 53.3. Select Heads
Select head 1 | 1 @@ |
Sub Select element 2 | .2 NEXT HEAD |
Select heads 1 to 4 | 1 THRU 4 @@ |
Select heads 1 to 10, not 5 | 1 THRU 10 – 5 @@ |
Deselect all heads | 0 @@ |
Select all heads | NEXT HEAD + PREV HEAD |
Reselect last heads after CLEAR | ALL |
Select Group 1 | 1 * * |
Select Groups 1 to 4 | 1 THRU 4 * * |
Sub select 1st head | 1 NEXT HEAD |
Sub select 1st and 2nd head in selection | 1 + 2 NEXT HEAD |
Sub select 3rd, 4th and 5th head | 3 THRU 5 NEXT HEAD |
Sub select element 2 | . 2 NEXT HEAD |
Sub select pair | SHIFT + SINGLE |
Sub select heads using palette above 0% | NEXT HEAD + Palette |
Select all heads using palette | ALL + <Palette entry> |
Select heads active in Playback | ALL + <S> |
Select heads above 20% intensity | 20 ALL + INT |
Select all heads active in prog | CTRL + ALL |
Reselect last heads after CLEAR | ALL |
Change selection order | Press and hold ALL |
Pair Selection | SHIFT + SINGLE |
Invert current sub selection of heads | 0 + NEXT HEAD |
Table 53.4. Lamp On / Lamp Off / Reset
Lamp On entire rig | MACRO <Lamp on all> |
Lamp Off entire rig | MACRO <Lamp off all> |
Lamp On selected heads | SHIFT + LOCATE |
Lamp Off selected heads | CTRL + SHIFT + LOCATE |
Reset selected heads | CTRL + LOCATE |
Lamp on selected heads | <select head> * + + |
Lamp off selected heads | <select head> * - - |
Reset selected heads | <select head> * / / |
Table 53.5. Setting Intensities
Set head 1 to 100% | 1 @ FULL (Also 1 FULL) |
Set head 1 to 50% | 1 @ 50 ENTER |
Set heads 1 to 4 to 100% | 1 THRU 4 @ FULL |
Set head 1 +10% | 1 @ + 10 ENTER |
Set head 1 –1% | 1 @ - 01 ENTER |
Set head 1 at 50, all others at 0% | 1 @ 50 - - |
Set head 1 to 50% time 3 secs | 1 @ 50 / 3 ENTER |
Set 2nd element from head 1 to 50% | 1 . 2 @ 50 |
Set 2nd element from head 1 to 10 to 50% | 1 THRU 10 . 2 @ 50 |
Set element 2 and 3 from head 1 to 50% | 1 . 2 THRU 3 @ 50 |
Heads 1 to 10, 100% split delays 4s to 1s, 1s fade | 1 THRU 10 @ FULL / 4 THRU 0 / 1 |
PC Keyboard THRU = ‘>’ FULL = ‘#’
Table 53.6. FX
Add FX | Select heads, FX <ADD FX> |
Convert chase to FX | CUE STACK <SHIFT + Make FX> |
Force Cue to have no FX | Select heads, <SHIFT + Add FX 0 Size> |
Table 53.7. Playback
Step through Cue Stack | > |
Step back up Cue Stack | II or also SHIFT + > |
Go to next step without time | >> |
Go back a step without time | << |
Reassert Playback | S + FLASH button |
Take manual control of Playback | S + move manual fader |
Change chase / FX speed live | S + turn encoder X |
Go to Cue ID 2 | S 2 ENTER |
Release Playback with 3 sec time | S 3 REL |
Release all Playbacks | SHIFT + RELEASE |
Release heldover Playbacks | ALT + RELEASE |
Release all test Playbacks/Cues/Cue Stacks | CTRL + RELEASE |
Enter/exit Blind with 3 sec time | 3 BLIND |
Make Cue Stack default all pages | Change to Page 1, PLAYBACK, <Default Cue Stack> |
Transfer a Cue Stack to other playback | SHIFT + SEL select source > select target |
Table 53.8. Loading Values into the Programmer
Default all attribs | Select heads, LOCATE |
Default position attribs | Select heads <POS + LOCATE> |
Default colour attribs | Select heads <COLOR + LOCATE> |
Default beam attribs | Select heads <BEAM + LOCATE> |
Default intensity attribs | Select heads <INT + LOCATE> |
Make active all attribs | Select heads, <* + SET> |
Make active pos attribs | Select heads, <POS + SET> |
Make active colour attribs | Select heads, <COLOR + SET> |
Make active beam attribs | Select heads, <BEAM + SET> |
Make active int attribs | Select heads, <INT + SET> |
Make hard all attribs | Select heads, <* + MOVE> |
Make hard pos attribs | Select heads, <POS + MOVE> |
Make hard colour attribs | Select heads, <COLOR + MOVE> |
Make hard beam attribs | Select heads, <BEAM + MOVE> |
Make hard int attribs | Select heads, <INT + MOVE> |
Load Cue from Playback | INC <S> |
Load Cue ID 2 | INC 2 <S> |
Load Cue ID 2 on current Cue Stack | INC CUE 2.5 ENTER |
Load Cue at 40% | INC @ 40 <S> |
Load Cue at current level | INC @ <S> |
Load entire state of Cue Stack | ALL + INCLUDE |
Load selected heads from Cue | <* + INC> <S> |
Load int from Cue | INC INT <S> |
Load pos from Cue | INC POS <S> |
Load colour from Cue | INC COLOR <S> |
Load beam from Cue | INC BEAM <S> |
Load FX from Cue | INC FX <S> |
Load heads from Cue | 101 INC <S> |
Load Group of heads from Cue | GROUP 8 INC <S> |
Load Group of heads from Cue ID 2 | GROUP 8 INC / 2 <S> |
Load from DMX | Select heads, <CTRL + INC> ENTER |
Snapshot output cues | PROG, <Snapshot> |
Snapshot active values | THRU RECORD |
Snapshot selected heads | * + SET |
Copy Heads | <from Head No> COPY <to Head No> ENTER |
Copy Groups of Heads | GROUP <from Group ID> COPY GROUP <to Group ID> ENTER |
Table 53.9. Removing Values from the Programmer
Clear all values | CLEAR |
Clear with 3 sec time | 3 CLEAR |
Clear selected heads | Select heads, SHIFT + CLEAR |
Clear to default vals | CTRL + CLEAR |
Clear to 0 vals | SHIFT + CTRL + CLEAR |
Remove attrib | <REM + turn encoder> |
Remove attrib | <soft button + REM> |
Remove position attribs | <POS + REM> |
Remove colour attribs | <COLOR + REM> |
Remove beam attribs | <BEAM + REM> |
Remove intensity attribs | <INT + REM> |
Remove all attribs | <* + REM> |
Table 53.10. Recording Cues
Record Cue on Playback | REC S |
Record Cue ID 2.5 | 2.5 REC S |
Record Cue to current Playback | REC ENTER |
Record to Playback 2 | REC 2 ENTER |
Record to Cue ID 2.5 Playback 2 | REC 2 / 2.5 ENTER |
Record to Cue ID 2.5 on current Cue Stack | REC CUE 2.5 ENTER |
Record sel heads only | <SHIFT + REC> <Sel Only> S |
Record sel heads only | * + REC |
Record sel attribs | <SHIFT + REC>, select attribs, S |
Record entire state of programmer | ALL + REC |
Record Cue Only | / + REC |
Record Snapshot | THRU + REC |
Table 53.11. Record Merging / Removing
Record Merge | <+ + REC> S |
Record Merge current Cue | S + REC |
Record Merge current Cue | REC UPD |
Record Merge selected head only | Hold * and + and press REC |
Record Merge all Cue Stack | <SHIFT + REC> <Record Merge> S |
Record Merge Cue Id 2 to 4 | <+ + REC> 2 THRU 4 S |
Record Remove | ← + REC> S |
Record Remove selected head only | Hold * and - and press REC |
Record Remove all Cue Stack | <SHIFT + REC> <Record Remove> S |
Record Remove Cue Id 2 to 4 | ← - REC> 2 THRU 4 S |
Record Select Heads | * + REC |
Record into current cue | REC 0 ENTER |
Set Head 2 at 50% into current cue | S + <2 @ 50> |
Set Head 2 at +10% into current cue | S + <2 @ + 10> |
Set Head 2 at 50% all cues | S + <2 @ 50 THRU> |
Set Head 2 at +10% all cues | S + <2 @ + 10> |
Table 53.12. Editing Cues
Edit in Programmer | INC S, make change, UPDATE |
Record merge current cue | Change vals in Prog, <S> + REC> |
Record Merge all cues in Stack | <+ + REC><S> |
Record Merge all cues in Stack | <SHIFT + REC> <Rec Merge> <S> |
Remove Cue Stack | REM S |
Remove Cue ID 2.5 | REM 2.5 S |
Remove Intensity from Cue | Hold S + Enter Level e.g <S> 1 @ 20 ENTER |
Remove Cue 2 from current Cue Stack | REM CUE 2 ENTER |
Move Cues | Move CUE <Cue ID> @ <Cue ID> |
Copy Playback | COPY <source S> <dest S> |
Copy Playback unlinked | <SHIFT + COPY> <Unlinked> <source S> <dest S> |
Copy Cue to end of Cue Stack | COPY CUE <Cue ID> @ |
Copy Multiple Cues | COPY CUE <Cue ID> THRU <Cue ID> @ <Cue ID> |
Copy Heads in Cues | <from Head No> COPY <to Head No> <S> |
Copy Groups of Heads in Cues | GROUP <from Group ID> COPY GROUP <to Group ID> <S> |
Copy Heads in Cues | Hold + and COPY or SHIFT COPY select COPY HEADS |
Replace Palette in Cues | Hold - and COPY or SHIFT COPY select REPLACE PALETTE |
Table 53.13. Palettes
Record Palette | Select heads, REC, select item |
Palette using keypad | POS <palette number> ENTER |
Re-record Palette | Select heads, REC, select item |
Name Palette | Type name, SET |
Name Palette (no keyboard) | SET SET, type name, sel item |
Edit Palette | Select heads, INC, select item, make changes, UPD |
Copy Palettes to Playback | <SHIFT + cursor> to select Palettes, COPY S |
Set icon for a Palette | SHIFT + SET |
Table 53.14. Palette Times
Palette with 3 secs | 3 select item |
Palette with 3 secs fanned | 3 * select item |
Palette with 3 secs reverse fan | 3 * / select item |
Palette with 3 secs into centre fan | 3 * + select item |
Palette with 3 secs centre out fan | 3 * - select item |
Palette with 3 secs Random fan | 3 * . select item |
Palette with 10 secs total 2 secs per Head | 10 / 2 * select item |
Palette with 10 secs into centre total 2 secs per Head | 10 / 2 * + select item |
Use last fan timing | * |
Palette fan fade 0 to 3s | 0 THRU 3 select item |
Fan delay 0 to 3s, 1s fade | 0 THRU 3 / 1 select item |
Palette using keypad with time | <Palette type - INT/POS/COL/BEAM/FX> <palette ID> TIME <time> ENTER |
Palette using keypad with time | <Palette type - INT/POS/COL/BEAM/FX> <palette ID> / <time> ENTER |
Palette with 3 secs fade left to right across Group Grid | 3 * . . select item |
Palette with 3 secs fade right to left across Group Grid | 3 * / / select item |
Palette with 3 secs fade out to in on Group Grid | 3 * - - select item |
Palette with 3 secs fade in to out on Group Grid | 3 * + + select item |
Palette with 3 secs fade centre in to out on Group Grid | 3 * + - select item |
Palette with 3 secs fade centre out to in on Group Grid | 3 * - + select item |
Palette with 3 secs fade top to bottom across Group Grid | 3 * . . . select item |
Palette with 3 secs fade bottom to top across Group Grid | 3 * / / / select item |
Palette with 3 secs fade top out to in on Group Grid | 3 * + + + select item |
Palette with 3 secs fade top in to out on Group Grid | 3 * - - - select item |
Table 53.15. Information Windows
Additional Output Windows | 2 OUT 3 OUT 4 OUT |
Programmer Info Window | CTRL + PROG or 2 PROG |
Cue Stack Info Window | CTRL + CUE STACK or 2 CUE STACK |
Send text message | ! delay , duration , ! message |
Send text display 5 seconds | ! 0 , 5 ! message |
Send text stay visible | ! message |
Multiple Execute windows | 2 EXEC, 3 EXEC |
Multiple Group windows | 2 GROUP, 3 GROUP |
Table 53.16. Net Session
Resync SLAVE console | Hold Cursor Left Right Down + SET |
Table 53.17. Wing / Keypad short cuts
Select position palette | <POS + S> |
Select colour palette <COLOR + S> | Select beam palette <BEAM + S> |
Select position palette 4 | POS 4 ENTER |
Select colour palette 5 | COLOR 5 ENTER |
Select position 4 time 5 secs | POS 4 / 5 ENTER |
Select position 4 time 5 secs fan | POS 4 / 5 * ENTER |
Default intensity attribs | <ALL + LOCATE> |
Make active intensity attribs | <ALL + SET> |
Remove intensity attribs | <ALL + REMOVE> |
Enter/exit test mode PC/Mac | Type test and press CTRL + SHIFT |
Table 53.18. Console
Start up | Start button on rear |
Shut down | SETUP, <QUIT> |
Soft reset | SETUP, <SHIFT + QUIT> |
Calibrate touch screen | SETUP, <View Settings> <Cal Touch> or CTRL + SET |
Hard reset | Hold rear reset button 5 seconds |
Hard power off MQ100 MQ40/50/60/70 | Hold rear reset button 15 seconds |
Hard power off MQ80 | Unplug powercon + Hold reset button 10 seconds |
Reset graphics | SHIFT + DBO |
Shut down console | CTRL + DBO |
Lock/unlock console | <CTRL + SOFT button Encoder A> |
Console lights on/off | <CTRL + SOFT button Encoder B> |
Console screen save, stealth mode | SHIFT + BLIND |
Home on Compact consoles | ALT + Lay 1 |
End on Compact consoles | ALT + Lay 3 |
Home on Stadium consoles | ALT + HEAD |
End on Stadium consoles | ALT + TIME |
Enter/exit test mode MQ100 | SHIFT + SHIFT |
Enter/exit test mode MQ40/50/60/70/80 | ATL + CTRL + SHIFT |
Text Search in current window(consoles) | CTRL + > (Right cursor key) |
Text Search in current window(MagicQ PC) | CTRL + F |
Table 53.19. Cue Stack Macros
Activate Playback | A <Playback no> |
Activate playback at level | A <Playback no> / <Level> |
Run Keyboard Macro | B <Macro no> (0 = stop all macros) |
Release Playback | R <Playback no> (0 = release this playback) |
Release playback with time | R <Playback no> / <fade time> |
Release All Heldover Playbacks | R1000 |
Release Heldover Cue Stack on this Playback | R999 |
Activate Playback 100% | T <Playback no> |
Release Playback 0% | U <Playback no> |
Go on playback | G <Playback no> |
Go to Cue id on playback (when <preload flag> is set to 1, cue is preloaded) | G <playback number> / <cue id> / <preload flag> / <fade time> |
Go on current playback when the MagicHD layer is the given number of frames from the end | G 0 / 1 / <frames> / <layer> |
Stop Playback | S <Playback no> |
Choose Playback | C <Playback no> |
Set level last Cue Stack activated | K <level> / <fade time> |
Set level current Playback | L <level> / <fade time> |
Set level of this Playback | M <level> / <fade time> |
Jump to Cue id current Playback | J <Cue Id> |
Activate Cue Stack (Stack Store) | E <Cue Stack ID from Stack Store> |
Activate Cue Stack (Stack Store) at level | E <Cue Stack ID from Stack Store> / <level> |
Activate Cue Stack (Stack Store) at level and Cue | E <Cue Stack ID from Stack Store> / <level> / <Cue ID> |
Releases Cue Stack (Stack Store) | F <Qid from Stack Store> |
Activate Exec Grid item | E 0/<Exec Page>/<Item> |
Release Exec Grid item | F 0/<Exec Page>/<Item> |
Change Page | P <Page no> (0 is next) |
Open view (window layout) | V <View no> |
Set decoded time code | O <Time code> |
Enable/disable external time code gen | W <Enable> (1 enable, 0 dis) |
Set current time code (gen only) | Q <Time code> e.g Q100 |
Set current time code (internal) | I <Time Code> e.g. I100 |
Activate Playback 18 on wing 1 | A1-18 |
Go on Playbacks 3 to 5 | G3THRU5 |
Set the level of Playback 6 to 60% | C6L60 |
Lamp on all heads | H1 |
Reset all heads | H2 |
Lamp off all heads | H3 |
Cancel screen save | H4 |
Enable Zone | H5<zone number> |
Disable Zone | H6<zone number> |
Trigger 10Scene - Zone id 1 to 20, Button id 1 to 10, State is 0 for button release 1 for button pressed 2 for button activate and 3 for release | T0 / <Zone id> / <Button id> / <State> |
Transmit data on the serial port | X <Data> |
Transmit data on the network port over ChamSys Remote Ethernet Protocol | Y <Data> |
Transmit data over MIDI | N <Data> |
Transmit data over OSC | K <Data> |
Audio Command, supported commands are stop, close, jump, dev, Param1,g (gain) | D <Audio command> |
Scheduled Events Date | Z<DDMMYYYY>Z |
Table 53.20. Window Control
Cue window positioned on attribute | <S> + Pos Beam Col Int or FX button |
Open Playback Cue Stack Window | Double click S button playback |
Open Playback Cue Stack Options | Triple click S button playback |
Open Cue Window current playback | SHIFT + Double click S button playback |
Close all Windows | SHIFT + CLOSE |
All Windows to internal screen | SHIFT + EXT |
Table 53.21. Stadium Shortcuts
Change Execute buttons function | SHIFT+NEXT/PREV Page |
Move windows between monitors | ALT+SETUP |
Change Faders mode | Hold Faders NEXT/PREV Page button |
Change Faders mode on PC | SHIFT + Faders NEXT/PREV Page button |
Page through one by one instead of pages | SHIFT + NEXT/PREV Page button |
Deactivate all faders for the mode across pages | SHIFT + Big Pause button |
Record current fader mode/state to an execute button | NEXT/PREV Page + Rec |
Next/Prev Bank | ALT + NEXT/PREV Page |