Using Net Sessions to use Hot-Takeover
- Be sure the software is out of demo mode, and versions of software are the same on both the main and the backup console/PC
- Setup your network to allow both consoles to communicate with the nodes being used (you will only have access to the lowest number of universe available on your network based on your hardware, IE if you have an MQ500 as the main and an MQ60 as the backup the maximum number of universes you will have backup is the 12 universes of the MQ60.
- Using the newer Net Sessions way of connecting 2 consoles does NOT require any changes to the Hot T/O column to ensure reliable use of Hot Takeover with net sessions leave the Hot T/O column in DMX I/O set at "NO"
- Configure network settings
- Setup
- View Settings
- Network
- Next Move to the Multi Console Tab
- Enable remote control set to "Yes"
- Enable remote access set to "Yes"
On the Master console -
- Set to takeover type to preferred setting - Auto or Manual Takeover
- Set net session ID (usually 1)
- Set playback Sync Type - PB Sync, inhibit - Sync On Swap, Inhibit PB Sync, PB Sync Multi Control (See Below for descriptions of each type)
- Attach master console to the network
On Slave Console -
- Configure Networks settings as before, Be sure each console has a unique IP address
- Attach slave console to the network
- Set takeover type to same setting as was set on the master
- Set same net session ID as the master
- Set same PB sync Type as master
In the bottom right near the clock and version number the console will tell if it is a Master or Slave - Master console will be determined based on the first console to be configured and connected to the network.
It is possible to switch if a console is the master or slave by going to
- Setup
- View DMX I/O
- then choosing either "Take Control" or "Release Control" soft buttons across the top of the screen
PB Sync - Will allow the Master to playback cues and program fixtures as a single console would, and the Slave will have no control over playbacks or programing until it becomes the master, But will track any playback actions that are made on the master !!This sync Does NOT Include any "Test" cues or stacks played back from the stores or the EXEC Screen!!
Inhibit, Sync On Swap - Will wait until no master is found to sync/activate playbacks on the salve !!This sync Does NOT Include any "Test" cues or stacks played back from the stores or the EXEC Screen!!
Inhibit PB Sync - Will allow the Master to playback cues and program fixtures as a single console would, The slave will be able to turn on playbacks, but these won't become active until it is promoted to Master, NO sync of playbacks from master to slave will happen in this mode
PB Sync Multi Control - Will allow the Master to playback cues and program fixtures as a single console would, Also the Slave will have control over playbacks allowing both to control playbacks simultaneously, Actions on playbacks between the 2 console will be treated as LTP. The Slave however will not have any control over the programmer or any "Test" cues or stacks played back from the stores or the EXEC Screen until promoted to master.