Computer Requirements

Most any computer purchased new in the last 4-5 years will run MagicQ. However, for newer, more power-hungry features such as Vis and Magic HD, more power and better hardware may be needed to ensure acceptable performance. 

TIP: If you intend to run MagicQ or MagicHD software on a computer that will operate as if it were a lighting console, this is the only purpose for which you should use that computer. Once MagicQ is installed, disconnect the computer from the internet and never connect it to the internet again. Perform all MagicQ updates via USB. Network connections to VPN's or private networks for lighting data are OK and expected. 



  • Core Duo or higher processor.
  • 1GB RAM
  • Minimum 1024 by 768 screen resolution
  • Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8,10, 11


  • Intel Core I7 Quad Core, Or Ryzen 7 1700x
  • 16GB of Ram
  • 1920x1080 Screen Resolution
  • Nvidia GTX 1050Ti, or AMD RX 580


  • OSX 10.9 or above to run the current MagicQ software.
  • Late 2011 Macbook Pro or Newer
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