MagicDMX FAQ below:

Q. Does MagicDMX remove the "Demo Mode" banner from the title bar?

A. No, this is only removed when connected to the MagicQ Twin DMX Interfaces, MagicQ Audio Interfaces, MagicQ MIDI/SMPTE interfaces, MagicQ Wings, or SnakeSys products. However, you can still use all the standard features of MagicQ with a MagicDMX interface to program and playback your shows.

Q. Does MagicDMX unlock any of the additional MagicQ software features, such as remote control, Remote Focus App, full screen Execute

A. No, unlocking additional features is only available with MagicQ Twin DMX Interfaces, MagicQ Audio Interfaces, MagicQ MIDI/SMPTE interfaces, MagicQ Wings, or SnakeSys products. However, you can still use all the standard features of MagicQ with a MagicDMX interface to program and playback your shows.

Q. What features can I not use?

A. MagicDMX is primarily a device to convert from USB to DMX.

MagicDMX does not unlock any remote control, multiconsole programming, or timecode and midi functionality in MagicQ and does not allow the use of the free IOS and Android apps. 

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